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8th of September 2021, a Wednesday/R U OK Day

So today I woke up half an hour early. I had a longer shower today (I also didn't have a shower yesterday). So first thing today we had an R U OK day assembly. It was similar to the livestream from yesterday.

Next we had tech. We had to make a stop-motion animation that had at least 300 slide in PowerPoint. Tough. At recess my baby sister went to an orientation at my mums work (she works at a child care) because my parents are thinking of switching her schools. After recess we had maths and then humanities. Then at lunch I went to school to get my books before the holidays.

We had left our books in our lockers at school so the teachers allowed a small amount of children each day to come and collect their books. I only had half of my usual lunch :( After lunch we had science and where learning about classification. After school we started watching a movie called 'Intern'

As I wrote this I'd seen in my emails a competition about making something yellow and related to R U OK day. I started working on my submission for the competition but I'm not going to say anything here just in case. I had made 2 mini 8cm pizza's for my dinner. After dinner I started reading a book (NOT an e-book) call 'The Book Of Chance'.

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